Financial Strength
Security Title is consistently awarded an A (Exceptional) rating from Demotech, Inc., which is the nation’s leading title insurer rating organization. This rating means Security Title has “unsurpassed financial stability,” related to the payment of loss and loss adjustment expenses providing independent confirmation of our insurance policy’s strong financial backing. Security Title has also been rated “strongly recommended” for commercial transactions. These ratings are updated quarterly. See our most current ratings at or view our latest Annual Financial Report. To obtain a copy of our Form 9, please contact Brian Rogers at
Security Title achieves these high marks by adhering to a conservative fiscal policy and by commanding one of the highest ratios of surplus and reserves to policy claim losses.
We can comfortably insure any size transaction; from a small residential lot purchase to major multi-state commercial acquisitions, we’ve got it covered. Security Title is widely accepted by major lending institutions and governmental agencies and backed by an automatic reinsurance treaty with a subsidiary of Lloyds of London.
Whether you are insuring an exclusive condominium overlooking Central Park or a majestic retirement community in the foothills of Pennsylvania, Security Title will be your partner, not your competitor. Guaranteed!
Our Premier Property Portfolio
Security Title Guarantee Corporation of Baltimore has more than half a century of experience insuring premier and complex transactions. Our expert team of underwriters coupled with our financial strength and reinsurance treaties means no deal is too large when supporting our independent agent network. Whether you are insuring a $30,000,000.00 condominium overlooking Central Park or a $125,000,000.00 retirement community in the foothills of Pennsylvania, Security Title will be your partner not your competitor. Guaranteed!
Brethren Village Retirement Community
Lititz, Pennsylvania
Amount: $125 million
Insured by Security Title