The rise of AI-generated content is driving your ideal customers to seek out more authentic content like video and that’s why you need to position yourself as the YouTube Mayor of your market.
Our guest is a title insurance sales coach who’s been using his YouTube channel to generate new business for over a decade. More importantly, he’s going to share some of the same secrets with you that he does with his own clients. He’s Wade Vander Molen, known as DC Title Guy and is the Vice President of Business Development at Pruitt Title.
You’re going to see how utilizing YouTube to promote you or your title company creates more visibility, credibility, and ultimately, profitability. You’re also going to walk away from this webinar with the essential steps to get started making video content that immediately makes a difference for you and your company.
Here are the main takeaways from this webinar:
1. What you’re currently losing by not getting started right now with video content.
2. How credibility, visibility and profitability are tied to video marketing in 2024.
3. How Wade got started and what your first steps need to be
Find out how Wade can help you create more Visibility, build more Credibility and generate greater Profitability: or